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怪叔叔救美怪叔叔救美Noboranka 1986 Game Electronics垂直射击类nob zip街机游戏街机游戏查漏补缺Noboranka (c) 1986 Data East C

说明: 此游戏为街机模拟游戏,手机上玩街机请下载"街机模拟器APP"打开搜索游戏名即可在线畅玩,APP网罗了6000余款街机游戏哦。


怪叔叔救美Noboranka 1986 Game Electronics垂直射击类nob.zip街机游戏


Noboranka (c) 1986 Data East Corp

请使用mameplus 0.162以上街机模拟器

This game is a vertical scrolling shoot 'em up where the player controls a character that has to climb a tree and shoot bug-like enemies. The story is that the princess has been kidnapped by the villains of the Insect World, and Zippy Bug has to rescue her. After shooting the enemies, they drop fruits that the player can collect for extra points, and skulls that are deadly if touched. The player is able to fly for a short time, and every time this is done, one of the letters from the 'I Love You' at the bottom of the screen is used up. The letters regenerate over a small period of time. There are also other items, such as the key, which surrounds the player in a bubble and makes him invulnerable to 1 hit. Another item is a ring which seems to instantly replenish all of the used up 'I Love You' letters. One other item is the hammer, which allows the player to wipe out all the enemies off the screen. There is a boss at the end of each level.
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