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说明: 此游戏为街机模拟游戏,手机上玩街机请下载"街机模拟器APP"打开搜索游戏名即可在线畅玩,APP网罗了6000余款街机游戏哦。



新封神榜国产RPG模拟器街机游戏,RPG类模拟器游戏 广誉科技出品

如需解压密码请输入 mip.mamecn.com
well! THIS was unexpected. But sometimes things happen and then suddenly you have a new Vast Fame game to play with. it's called Xin Feng Shen Bang (新封神榜), it's sort of a modern retelling of the 16th century Chinese novel Feng Shen Bang in RPG form, and it seems pretty excellent. but it's also in Chinese so I can't really tell what's going on.
this dump was taken from this 12 in 1, so if you want to see cart pictures or anything they're all on the aforelinked wiki page.
as per usual with these dumps i'm posting an untouched and a fixed version, but the only difference is in the header, allowing the game to save in emulators. The header actually doesn't matter to a real Game Boy - it was (apparently) originally intended for internal use in Nintendo's factories, so unlicensed developers didn't have to bother with such things. but emulators always assume a correctly set header too, so here we are. Maybe there's an unfulfilled need for a new Game Boy ROM format that actually contains this info outside of the game data.. maybe. anyway, roms!
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