- 类别:国产模拟游戏
- 发布:2018-11-14
- 大小:1.4 MB
- 平台:安卓/win
特种部队2基地+模拟器特殊部队2基地是一款改了片头和一些图片基于合金弹头的国产模拟器游戏Tezhong Budui 2 - Jidi (Teshu Budui 2
说明: 此游戏为街机模拟游戏,手机上玩街机请下载"街机模拟器APP"打开搜索游戏名即可在线畅玩,APP网罗了6000余款街机游戏哦。
Tezhong Budui 2 - Jidi (Teshu Budui 2 - Jidi) (Unlicensed, Chinese) (CBA146) [Fixed]
如需密码请输入 mip.mamecn.com
and now: the game better known as Terrifying 911, aka Too Soon: the video game. originally released (and developed?) by Hitek, on the market at least by June 2002, using actual footage of an attack that killed thousands less than a year previous. bad taste? i'll say.
but underneath all that, there's a surprisingly faithful port of Metal Slug 1. Compared to other unlicensed Metal Slug games it's in a whole different league - just about everything is here, the original levels, weapon upgrades, bosses, prisoners to rescue, and even the Metal Slug itself have been retained.
And yet this was (as far as I know) Hitek's only action game - the rest of their output on the Game Boy consisted mostly of RPGs, strategy games, board games and the like. I believe it was also their only game released in English, but this is the Chinese version (and naturally a shoddy title hack thereof).
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