作者:街机cn 来源:街机超能 发表于:2019-01-07 17:16:25MAME0.202下载发布
街机模拟器MAME 0.202下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):
艾玛2教练 Emma II trainer [Robbbert]
卜卜的难题 Pitapat Puzzle [David Haywood, ClawGrip, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
海底潜航800海里旧版 800 Fathoms (older) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
橡子电子 Acorn Electron (Trial) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
植物游戏英版西班牙版二版 Botanic (English / Spanish, set 2) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
超时迷宫盗二版 Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 2) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
红飞碟盗二版 Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
越野沙滩车日版 Four Trax (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
青蛙过河Scramble盗版 Frogger (Video Dens, bootleg on Scramble hardware) [ClawGrip, AJR]
天蚕变4欧版 Gals Panic 4 (Europe) [nomax, The Dumping Union]
铁头小子2二版 Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.0) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
幸运球96三版 Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.01) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Daniel Gallimberti]
幸运球96四版 Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 4.01) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Daniel Gallimberti]
曼丹加 Mandanga (bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 1) [Ivan Vangelista, The Dumping Union]
曼丹加二版 Mandanga (bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 2) [Ivan Vangelista, The Dumping Union]
爆破彗星Proel盗版 Meteorite (Proel bootleg of Asteroids) [MikeMcBike]
月球登陆日版 Midnight Landing (Japan) [ShouTime]
午夜狂飙-马路英雄2日版 Midnight Run: Road Fighters 2 (JAD, Japan v1.10) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
小精灵西班牙盗版 Pac-Man (Video Dens, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
救生艇无保护版 River Patrol (Japan, unprotected) [ShouTime, Henrique Areias Pontes, Dane Biegert, Evan Korzon, Mario Mantese, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
星堡平躺机台版 Star Castle (cocktail) [Brent Walker]
世界杯足球赛1986盗版 Tehkan World Cup (1986 year hack) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
辛普森家庭4人亚洲版 The Simpsons (4 Players Asia) [Leonard Oliveira]
时间战士二版 Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier (MC-8123, 317-0040) [ShouTime]
美式橄榄球II盗版 TouchDown Fever 2 (bootleg) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
罪恶战士2世界4P版 Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. ?) [Jorge Silva]
利曼24小时赛车四版 WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.01) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca,, The Dumping Union]
mame0.202新模拟街机游戏 Machines promoted to working
皇牌空战22日版 Air Combat 22 (Rev. ACS1 Ver.B, Japan) [hap]
狂热赛车 Cart Fury [Ted Green]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr [Robbbert]
Clones promoted to working
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (EMR-ES 1988) [Robbbert]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (ES 2.3) [Robbbert]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (ES 4.0) [Robbbert]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 616) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 623) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 626) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 627) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
捉贼二版 Stop Thief (Electronic Crime Scanner) (patent) [Mike]
Hazeltine 1420 Video Display Terminal [AJR]
Hazeltine 1552 [Al Kossow]
Jongputer [yukaritamura]
Lee Data 1214D Display Terminal [Al Kossow]
MIPS Magnum R4000 (big) [Patrick Mackinlay]
MIPS Magnum R4000 (little) [Patrick Mackinlay]
Nvidia nForce PC (CRUSH11/12) [Samuele Zannoli]
Video 21 [MikeMcBike, Robbbert, hap, David Haywood]
Acorn Briefcase Communicator [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Acorn Communicator (Italian) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Acorn Communicator (prototype) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Diner (LF-2) French [PinMAME]
The House of the Dead (prototype) [Andy Geezer]
Wyse WY-75 [Robbbert]
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05059: [Documentation] Some games have incorrect release year listed. (sjy96525)
- 05881: [Documentation] (whitestar.cpp) rctycn and all clones: Incorrect descriptions. (sjy96525)
- 05904: [Graphics] (sshangha.cpp) sshangha, sshanghaj: Sprite priority bug with the in-game message boxes. (David Haywood)
- 06020: [Color/Palette] (sshangha.cpp) sshangha, sshanghab, sshanghaj: Black sprites in some cutscenes. (David Haywood)
- 06258: [Graphics] (taitogn.cpp) usagi: Weird background color for score recap. (smf)
- 06874: [Gameplay] (seattle.cpp) blitz: Hangs on a black screen if the power-on self test is enabled. (Ted Green)
- 06967: [Crash/Freeze] (msx.cpp) canonv30f: [debug] Assertion Failed! m_entrymap.find(name) == m_entrymap.end() (Robbbert)
- 06991: [Crash/Freeze] (model1.cpp) swa: Crash with access violation after a while. (AJR)
- 06998: [Interface] Software lists title screenshot directories not working. (Robbbert)
- 07021: [DIP/Input] (vtech2.cpp) laser500: Reset key is not mapped. (hap)
- 07074: [Graphics] (skykid.cpp) drgnbstr: The title logo is not displayed correctly. (kunikuni)
- 07076: [Graphics] (psikyo.cpp) tengaij, tengai and maybe more: [possible] Bad glitch graphic on some stages. (cam900)
- 07081: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Certain disks that work in older releases won’t run. (AmatCoder)
- 07085: [Crash/Freeze] (mcr.cpp) Most machines in mcr.cpp, mcr3.cpp: Calling member function with null this pointer. (Vas Crabb)
- 07086: [Crash/Freeze] (r9751.cpp) r9751: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: m_functions.empty() (Osso)
- 07087: [Crash/Freeze] (atari400.cpp) a400, a400pal, a800, a800pal: Object finders are not for resources created on start. (Vas Crabb)
- 07089: [Crash/Freeze] Assorted machines: Attempting to bind callbacks to parent of root device. (Vas Crabb)
- 07090: [Crash/Freeze] (astrocde.cpp) tenpindx: Invalid format string in output finder tag. (Vas Crabb)
- 07091: [DIP/Input] (namcos2.cpp) sgunner2, sgunner2j: Coin inputs are not registered. (AJR)
- 07092: [DIP/Input] (targeth.cpp) targeth, targeth10, targetha: Player 2 Y axis is broken, and X axis is inverted. (AJR)
- 07096: [Crash/Freeze] (micro3d.cpp) All sets in micro3d.cpp: Hang during the boot process. (AJR)
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